July 3rd–9th, 2026
Schedule of Events
JULY 3rd, 2026
Sail4th 250 Parade of Class B Ships, East River - Downtown
Captains Welcome
All Day - All Tall Ships anchor at Sandy Hook, NJ/Grey Hull Ships anchor Hudson River
JULY 4th, 2026
National Broadcast & Streaming: Sail4th 250 Parade of Tall Ships/International Navel Review - Verrazano Bridge to George Washington Bridge
Free Public Viewing of Sail4th 250, America's 250th Birthday Celebration - Tall Ships, Gray Hull Ships, Historic Vessels
International Aerial Review, Blue Angels, Historic and Other Aircraft Fly-Over
Ships berth throughout the region
July 4th Fireworks — Location TBD
JULY 5th, 2026
Sail4th The Hudson Ships depart for Albany —TBD
Tall Ships public touring, visitations, and more
12 Metre / J Class & Historic vessel Demo —TBD
JULY 6th–9th, 2026
Ships berthing locations open for free public touring, visitations, and more
July 6-7 Crew Soccer Tournament, chef competition, historic programming, military displays, festivals, and more
July 8-9 Farewell to the Fleet as Ships depart for Boston